Nature & Culture of Japan

To make your trip to Japan more interesting

Month: August 2021

Ginkgo (1)

In Japan, this tree is often planted anywhere including urban parks. The tree of Tokyo is this. We can see a similar design at the Metropolitan traffic. I used to think it was a ginkgo leaf. But I heard that…

A strange needle-leaf tree, nagi

Trees can usually be  divided into broad-leaf and needle-leaf. The tree in this photo looks like a broad-leaf , but it is actually a needle-leaf. Broad-leaf trees usually have a leaf with a central vein, but this leaf does not. Nagi, the scientific…

Does happiness mean either that your wishes come true or that you give up your wishes?

Previously, I mentioned that Shinto shrines and Buddhism temples look very similar at first glance. However, they essentially seem to be the exact opposite. Since ancient times in Japan, people thought that when a drought or disaster occurred, it was…

A Matsuo Basho’s haiku and its place where he composed (1) Iwama-dera (Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture)

There are many languages ​​in the world. I wonder why it is difficult for foreigners to communicate with each other. I think it’s a lot easier than before. Scientific publications are allowed if they are translated faithfully anyway. But when…

Animals in shrines as messengers from the god

Shrines are facilities of the Shinto religion. Based on the worship of nature, every shrine has a kind of “God’s messenger” animal. The ancients believed that the harvest and natural disasters were caused by the power of the god. The…

The largest lake in Japan and the coastal plants and insects there

Lake Biwa is the largest in Japan. It is located in Shiga prefecture. Since there is always a large amount of water, Osaka City, which is located downstream of the river that flows out of Lake Biwa, never run out…

Emperor Ladybug

The ladybugs named after the emperor mentioned earlier (here). The scientific name is Chlocorus mikado. Its size is 3 mm, color is entirely black, and the shape is round. It used to be a rare beetle, but since it was…

A beautiful moth = Satsuma-nishiki

This is an insect called ”Satsuma-nishiki” in Japanese name. The scientific name is Erasmia pulchella nipponica. Although it is not a butterfly but a kind of moth, it has a very beautiful color. Moths usually gather in the light at…

Amida Buddha and Ladybugs

In Japan, there is a ladybug species with the name of Amida Buddha. The scientific name is Amida tricolor, and the three colors of red, black and yellow are beautiful. It is often seen in laurel forests, so this may…

Which beetle represents Japan?

There are animals or plants that represent the country, just like the panda of China and .the Condor of USA. I don’t know what is for Japan. But as to the beetles, it would be the snail wearer (the scientific…