Nature & Culture of Japan

To make your trip to Japan more interesting

History sight seeing (general)

Local character Hikonyan (地元キャラクター ひこにゃん)

In Japan, it used to be very popular for municipalities to create cute characters and to introduce their hometowns. There was also a competition to find out which municipality was most cute. Hikonyan in Hikone City, Shiga Prefecture was highly evaluated.

There is a reason for Hikonyan to wear red armor. It is related to the fact that the Ii family, based in Hikone Castle, fought in red armor during the Warring States period in the 16th century.

I have met Hikonyan at Hikone Castle. There is a showtime of Hikonyan because of its popularity.

Hikone Castle has been designated as a national treasure, with the castle tower and surrounding buildings remaining quite well since the days when the warlords were fighting before modern times. It is often used for filming historical dramas. I recommended this place to enjoy the atmosphere of such times.

Red armor of Ii family army


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