Haiku is a short poem with 17 voices, in which you must include seasonal words.
There is a standard book on haiku called “Saijiki”(歳時記), which contains seasonal vocabulary. Some of them can be seen throughout the year. For example, the moon is an autumn season word. So a haiku including the moon in the spring cannot usually be made .
I think haiku is a kind of literary device that blows the wind of seasonal scent to many people. So, I think that the words which only few people know must not be designated as the season words in the book. For example, we can find the “ancient dragonfly” (Epiophlebia superstes) as an autumn word, but it actually appear in early summer.
Next time I will try to find an example of haiku using this dragonfly. If the autumn scent is accomplished, I will admit the treatment of the book editor and will not complain any more.

This haiku which I made is of course one about the early summer.