Nature & Culture of Japan

To make your trip to Japan more interesting


About the Japanese jewel beetles(タマムシについての言われ)

The Japanese Jewel beetle is very beautiful  that appears in the summer. In the high places of giant trees of cherry blossoms and Celtis, we  can sometimes see them flying while shining brightly. Because it stands out well, there are…

The only Slovenian restaurant in Japan “Pikapolonca” with the ladybugs(日本唯一のスロベニア料理店=テントウムシ=ピカポロンツァ)

When I hear of Slovenia, it was hard for me and probably any Japanese people to imagine where it was. Even if you hear that it is a country of the former Yugoslavia, unfortunately there are very few information  that…

The humorous Japanese name for Pheropsophus jessoensis which is a ground beetle species

The Japanese name for Pheropsophus jessoensis is “Miidera ground beetle”. The scientific name Jezo means Hokkaido, but in Japan it is a beetle species that is widely distributed except for the southern half of the Nansei Islands. It also lives…

Nature and tourist destinations on Tanegashima Island(種子島の自然と観光地)

There are two islands just south of the mainland of Kyushu. Yakushima Island in the west has high mountains and is well known as an attractive place for naturalists. In the east there is Tanegashima Island. It is well known…

Dragonflies from the other world

In Japan, it has long been customary to visit graves in mid-August, because people believe, on those days, deceased ancestors return from the other world to this world. We have to greet them properly. The reason for greeting is to…

A cricket species telling us to prepare for winter

Because there are many speies of crickets in Japan, it is difficult to tell the speies name from their songs. However, when it can be overcome by training, there are various discoveries. In Japan, there are some crikets which repeat…

Smokybrown cockroach

The scientific name is Periplaneta fuliginosa. It is no doubt that this is the most hated insect by people in Japan. It is true that there is a possibility that it may come to our food, taking pathogens that are…

Nine-spotted Ladybug

As the name suggests, the seven-spotted ladybug (scientific name: Coccinella septempunctata) has seven black spots on its red back. It is widely distributed from East Asia to Europe, and now lives in North America as an exotic species. It is…

A big and beautiful dung beetle: Blue in Nara, green in Kyoto

Phelotrupes auratus is a kind of insect that mainly appears in the forest. It is very beautiful, but they it has vulgar habit of eating poop. You can often see this insect in Nara Park, which I wrote about before….

Taiwan Fan dragonfly comes to Osaka due to the global warming

In summer, dragonflies with a small fan at the tail can be seen around ponds in urban parks The Japanese name is Fan dragonfly and the scientific name is Sinictinogomphus clavatus. Fan dragonfly used to be only one species around…