Nature & Culture of Japan

To make your trip to Japan more interesting

Month: November 2021

We can’t meet bears in the mountains of Japan

Of the four major Japanese islands, the brown bear is  distributed only in Hokkaido. And the black bear is distributed in Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu. I have been a field worker for about 30 years, but until recently I had…

Legendary baseball pitcher Eiji Sawamura died in the war

There is a Sawamura Award for professional baseball in Japan in commemoration of Eiji Sawamura (1917-1944). This award is sent to a pitcher of hard throwers rather than technical pitchers. Sawamura was a legendary pitcher, and in the 1930s he…

Fossil was found alive! -A deciduous conifer, Metasequoia

When broadly classifying trees, there are conifers or hardwoods, evergreens or deciduous trees. There are not so many deciduous conifers. Larch is one of them. So is Metasequoia. It was originally found as a fossil in Japan. It was found…

Novelists and hot springs(小説家と温泉)

There were novelists who wrote with staying inns in a hot spring. For me, who loves hot springs, I think it’s a completely enviable way of working. There is a literature museum in Kinosaki Onsen in Toyooka City, Hyogo Prefecture….

Haste makes waste(急がば回れ)

When I see proverbs with the same meaning expressed differently in other languages, I strongly feel that the essence of human beings is the same, although the culture and customs are different. The detour may sometimes be faster than trying…

The only Slovenian restaurant in Japan “Pikapolonca” with the ladybugs(日本唯一のスロベニア料理店=テントウムシ=ピカポロンツァ)

When I hear of Slovenia, it was hard for me and probably any Japanese people to imagine where it was. Even if you hear that it is a country of the former Yugoslavia, unfortunately there are very few information  that…

Ramen & Italian restaurant “Coccinella” in Nishi-ku, Osaka(ラーメン&イタリア料理店 コッチネッラ 大阪市西区)

In the second largest city in Japan, Osaka, there is a green park called Utsubo Park in the center of the city. The restaurant Coccinella is located close to it. Excuse me, but it doesn’t have a high-class feel, and…

Showa Shinzan where a wheat field suddenly changed to a mountain(麦畑が急に山になった-昭和新山)

The Japanese archipelago has volcanoes here and there. Occasionally, eruptive activity becomes active, affecting the local area. However, it is rare for a mountain to be created rapidly. In about 600 days from 1943 to 1945, the wheat field near…

This is not Mt. Fuji, but Mt. Yotei in Hokkaido(これは富士山ではありません 北海道の羊蹄山です)

I don’t think there is a mountain in the world that is as well-shaped as Mt. Fuji. It is a volcano formed by the regular arrangement of lava that has flowed out due to the eruption,. There is a mountain…

Japanese Jomon Culture (Part 2) Sannai Maruyama Site 日本の縄文文化(その2) 三内丸山遺跡

The northernmost area of ​​Honshu which is the largest and most important island in the Japanese archipelago,  seems to have been the center of Japan in the Jomon period thousands of years ago. There are Jomon archaeological sites here and…