Nature & Culture of Japan

To make your trip to Japan more interesting


Kobe Chinatown(神戸中華街)

Chinatowns are located in three major cities: Yokohama, Nagasaki, and Kobe. Yokohama is the largest, followed by Kobe. Previously, I wrote an article about Yokohama Chinatown. Kobe’s Chinatown is located in Kobe’s Nankinmachi. Not far from JR and Motomachi station…

The marriage of a fox

Sometimes we see it raining even though the sun is shining. In Japan, it is called “the marriage of a fox.” In Japan, the fox is regarded as a bad animal that deceives humans . The saying is probably related to…

The radio gymnastics(ラジオ体操)

I think it’s good to wake up in the morning and do gymnastics as the beginning of the day. Japanese people all learn the radio gymnastics in elementary school, so any Japanese knows it. But when I was a child,…

About the Japanese jewel beetles(タマムシについての言われ)

The Japanese Jewel beetle is very beautiful  that appears in the summer. In the high places of giant trees of cherry blossoms and Celtis, we  can sometimes see them flying while shining brightly. Because it stands out well, there are…

Novelists and hot springs(小説家と温泉)

There were novelists who wrote with staying inns in a hot spring. For me, who loves hot springs, I think it’s a completely enviable way of working. There is a literature museum in Kinosaki Onsen in Toyooka City, Hyogo Prefecture….

Haste makes waste(急がば回れ)

When I see proverbs with the same meaning expressed differently in other languages, I strongly feel that the essence of human beings is the same, although the culture and customs are different. The detour may sometimes be faster than trying…

A free open-air hot spring in Beppu

I wrote about an hot spring which men and women bath together. But this time it’s a hot spring that women never enter. This is in a mountain from the Beppu hot spring town. Anyway, warm water is just soaking…

A hot spring (onsen) where naked men and women bathe together(混浴の温泉)

It is very surprised by foreigners that there is the custom of taking a public bath without wearing a bathing suit. Furthermore, they say there used to be a custom of both men and women to spend the same bath…

What are there under the willow in Japan

Willow is a tree that grows naturally along the river. Even in riverbeds that are flooded by heavy rain, their suppleness allows them to continue to take root. I think it’s a fairly strong plant, but what we Japanese people…

Dragonflies from the other world

In Japan, it has long been customary to visit graves in mid-August, because people believe, on those days, deceased ancestors return from the other world to this world. We have to greet them properly. The reason for greeting is to…