Nature & Culture of Japan

To make your trip to Japan more interesting

Month: November 2021

Japanese Jomon culture (1) Humorous clay figurines 日本の縄文文化(その1) ユーモラスな土偶

The glacial period ended about 10,000 years ago. Then humankind, which had already spread all over the world, has blossomed civilization in various places. So-called four major civilizations have emerged in the Middle East and Asia. In Japan, various relics…

A simulated castle tower in Sumoto, Awaji Is., Hyogo Pref. (兵庫県淡路島・洲本城の模擬天守)

The castle is often a symbol of the city and is important for tourism, so it is often rebuilt with the exceptions of Tokyo and Kyoto mentioned before. Until the middle of the 20th century, Nagoya Castle in Nagoya was…

The towers of the castles in Tokyo and Kyoto have not been rebuilt(東京と京都の城は天守閣が未再建である)

The castle towers, where the lord lived in the castle, are the tallest building. However, after the 17th century, when peace continued, the castle towers have not been rebuilt after it disappeared due to fire. I stated that there are…

Original castle tower (2) -Inuyama Castle-(現存天守閣2 犬山城)

Of the 12 original castle towers, the oldest is Inuyama Castle in Inuyama City, Aichi Prefecture. The castle was built in 1537, and although there have been major repairs since then, basically the architecture of that time remains. I have…