Nature & Culture of Japan

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The humorous Japanese name for Pheropsophus jessoensis which is a ground beetle species

The Japanese name for Pheropsophus jessoensis is “Miidera ground beetle”. The scientific name Jezo means Hokkaido, but in Japan it is a beetle species that is widely distributed except for the southern half of the Nansei Islands. It also lives in China and the Korean Peninsula.

The edge of a lake or a pond in a park is its habitat. However, since it is nocturnal, it is not seen during the day.

It has a characteristic self-defense function. When caught, it spews hot gas from the buttocks like a flatulence. This behavior relates with Miidera (Onjoji) temple.

There is a humorous painting of flatulence competition by a few men, which was left in Miidera Temple in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture.

There is the Otsu Painting Museum in front of Miidera Temple. This painting is exhibited there.

Flatulence competition
Pheropsophus jessoensis “Miidera” ground beetle


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